SmartDoc Is Solutions For Professionals

Arvis SmartDoc Software

SmartDoc is a software solution for content management designed to help professional users in various industries compile content requirements from various documents and view and manage them on a unified and integrated platform. Professionals can use this as a solution for creating user manuals, employment contracts, sales proposals, legal contracts, medical and regulatory manuals, audit reports, and more. With SmartDocs, businesses can access the version history of edited snippets, upload variables to the content repository, and edit their properties. This allows managers to create or edit conditional tags and customize conditional content behavior according to individual needs. 

Common Issues About SmartDocs Among Professionals

Many Professionals complain about this; “Oops, the contract with PT XYZ has passed its period!! another churn”, “Tonight I’m working overtime again, because I run out of time to make the same document every month”, “ahh…there are many typos in this document, who is responsible for this document?”, “OMG…The proposal has not been approved by my manager, he is on duty out of town. even though the deadline is tomorrow”. 

SmarDoc was created to provide solutions to common issues for every professional in every company. Some of the advantages include the following; Easy to access because of an online platform for centralized management of various types of documents, Help your document management is hassle-free that can be accessed anywhere and anytime, Reduce the risk of company losses caused by damaged or lost documents, Maintain revenue with reminders for important contracts.

Creating documents is a necessity in running a company, therefore you can make SmartDoc a solution and include requirements in the document. If you want to update the requirements of the SmartDoc interface or create changes in requirements in a contract document or other types of documents, the requirements will automatically be updated everywhere. This means no more hunting for documents that contain requirements you’ve changed. This will help you in terms of processing time efficiency and reduce mistakes in replacing documents that you want to change.

Why SmartDoc By Arvis?

Arvis SmartDoc has several advantages; Integrated real-time with all users, helping management or team leaders to monitor their team’s work. Quick access and data available anytime and anywhere with historical documents and data retrieve into ARVIS’s cloud server during the contract period. Zero investment in hardware and IT people, All aspects of infrastructure and technology management including maintenance, application updates and troubleshooting will be directly managed by the ARVIS team. Provided by AWS cloud service, Arvis is using multiple layers of security, data encryption, and up-to-date security technology.

No need to bother typing documents from scratch, Arvis SmartDoc provides hundreds of document templates that are commonly used. Don’t waste your time on something that can be automated,  make your time more effective and efficient. Don’t worry if you want to create your own document template, Arvis SmartDoc allows you to automatically generate certain documents that are specific to your organization. You can set up a personalized Header, Body letter, Footer according to your organizational identity. It’s like having your own corporate secretary, here are the functions of Arvis SmartDoc for your business; Remind you when there is a contract that will be expired by email. Monitor every documents statuses movement of contracts or important documents of your organization.

Arvis SmartDoc Dashboard

No need to worry about task management, Arvis SmartDoc provides an easy solution; Monitor tasks status that has been assigned to the team, Create priority level for each task Real-Time Update progress of the task that is being or has been done by all team members. Then it is made easier with the User Grouping feature; Create a group according to the organizational structure in the company, Appoint a person in charge or leader of each group, Determine the access rights granted to group members, and Define Document approval flow. 

In addition, there is also a document grouping feature; Granting access rights to company documents can be adjusted based on the needs of each group, Only documents relevant to the group can be accessed by group members. To make your work easier, Arvis SmartDoc also has a Multi-Level Approval feature; To ensure the validity of a document, all documents that have been made by group members can be screened first by the PIC/leader of each group, Approval can be made with a flow that can be adjustable according to company regulations.

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